Child support is a major point of contention among New York parents, especially formerly married exes. While some custodial parents feel like they deserve more, others believe that the system is rigged in favor of the recipients. The Census Bureau paints a clear picture of the child support dilemma in the U.S.
In the recent report Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support, researchers found that there are 13.4 million single parents with custody of their children living in America. Nearly half of them report that they have some form of child support agreement. While a majority of agreements are formal, a select 10 percent of them are informal in nature.
What’s awarded may not always be what is received in terms of child support. Over $30 billion in outstanding child support was owed for 2013. Only 68.5 percent of the funds owed for child support was received. On average, parents who were due $5,774 each year only received $3,950 per year. That’s the equivalent of $329 per month. However, less than 22 percent of custodial parents requested some sort of collection assistance for enforcing existing child support orders.
If just $329 each month is received for assistance with food, shelter, education and health-related expenses, then many custodial parents may feel burdened. Post-divorce modifications and agreement modification assistance may be sought if financial needs cannot be met.
When emotions are factored in, divorce legal issues can be complicated and stressful. With help from a lawyer, however an ex-spouse may be able to facilitate a more equitable child support arrangement.
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